
Nomad Bruce Chatwin

“Some American brain specialists took encephalograph readings of travellers. They found that changes of scenery and awareness of the passage of seasons through the year stimulated the rhythms of the brain, contributing to a sense of well-being and an active purpose in life. Monotonous surroundings and tedious regular activities wove patterns which produced fatigue, nervous dis­ orders, apathy, self-disgust and violent reactions. Hardly surpris­ ing, then, that a generation cushioned from the cold by central heating, from the heat by air-conditioning, carted in aseptic transports from one identical house or hotel to another, should feel the need for journeys of mind or body, for pep pills or tranquillisers, or for the cathartic journeys of sex, music and dance. We spend far too much time in shuttered rooms.”

Bruce wrote this in 1970. In ‘IT’S A NOMAD NOMAD WORLD’ part of the beautiful collection ‘Anatomy of Restlessness | Selected Writings 1969-1989’

Michele Brunetti - Shanghai
Michele Brunetti - Shanghai

Bruce is my life’s dream. What I’ve always thought should be done to have a meaningful life that everybody could spend in the best way. Shanghai is still in lockdown, and we are doing everything to get a visa and get out. But still, we need a long time.

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